Free To Play Games

Saman Gharatchorlou


Welcome to my website!

There are two games on here: RISK the turn based strategy game adapted from the original board game and a Tower Defence game, which is a... tower defence game (and doesn’t have a name yet). I'm also working on a first-person shooter which is still in development. All the games you see here have been developed on the Unity Game Engine with C#, whilst the website uses HTML and CSS.

You can find the games below. Simply select the image to start playing (full screen recommended). All the games are still in development and I’ll updating them as time goes on. Considering this, there may still be some bugs and if you find one please let me know. You'll know a bug if the game breaks...hopefully you won’t find any of those slimy critters.

On the 'More Detail' tab, I go over some of the improvements I have planned. The games haven't been tried and tested much yet and any feedback you have is welcomed: Please use the ‘Feedback’ tabs below.

Anyway enough chat, go checkout my games!



Take control of the whole map by taking out the other teams. Strategically build up your armies and try to hold continents to increase the number of soldiers you receive at the start of your turn. This game can be played with 2-4 computer players.

Select the image to play! (full screen recommended)

Developing This Game

This was my first big project with a few big challenges like building the computer players. The AI works on a set of basic rules giving the impression that it knows what it’s doing. Its functionality is built on a string of recursive functions.

Further Developments

There's still a tonne of stuff I want to add and haven’t got around to yet (including some bug fixes), a few below:

  • Graphics
    The game currently consists of boxes fighting each other, kind of dull. I want to add soldiers that have fighting, killing and dying animations giving the game more life. Or just numbers.
  • Improved Computer Player
    As mentioned the current AI works and follows a set of basic rules, regardless of what the other players do. I want it to follow a set of principles rather than rules allowing it to change tactics depending on the situation, making it more unpredictable.
  • Prediction Algorithm
    To do the above I need to build a prediction algorithm to calculate win/loss probabilities of certain battle situations. I could add a feature giving the player the ability to calculate the chance of winning a battle, maybe once a turn or trade a soldier for 10 uses etc. something like that.
  • For Developers and/or Nerds
    I’ve managed to figured out the equations to calculate 1v1, 1v2, 2v1 and 2v2 battles in RISK already. I couldn’t calculate the equation to find the probability of a 3v2 battle. Google knows what probabilities are, but not the equation (not that I need it once I know the probability). If you know what the equation is, casually as you do, let me know. You can submit feedback in the feedback tab.
  • Dice Roll
    I think it would be nice if we could see what we rolled so I'd like to add some dice animations.

There are even more things I want to add like a death laser (literally), but I’ll stop here before I get too carried away.

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Stop the creeps from reaching your base! Creeps will follow the path around the map making their way to your base, where they are trying to steal your stuff, sneaky creeps. Build towers on the tiles to shoot them down before they reach the end. Warning its quite hard, so be prepared.

Select the image to play! (full screen recommended)

Developing This Game

This was one of the first games I ever made, definitely a learning project and a relatively simple and basic game.

Further Developments
  • Target Lock
    The towers shoot at their closest target, which changes rapidly as the creeps move across the map causing the towers to flicker constantly re-targeting enemies. This is inefficient code requiring each tower to recalculate the possible targets each frame, 50-60 times a second. The towers should target the creep closest to the player’s base within their range, a more conventional (and efficient) way to do it.
  • Tower Types
    There are 2 tower types each with an upgrade option, which is not very much. I'd like to expand the tower types to include things such as a short range, rapid fire tower; a slow firing, splash damage tower and a low damage, slowing tower. Expanding the upgrade options giving the player multiple choices could add another strategic element to the game. And yes, I also need to make the process of upgrading simpler.
  • More Waves!
    We need more waves! Maybe add an endless mode?

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First Person Shooter

Currently in development.

Submit feedback in the feedback tab if you have any good ideas, Thanks!

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